Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christ is present in our Suffering

This is the drama, I wrote for the morning wworship time here at the retreat center in Kenya. Each of the three days I will write about the lives of these three characters. I am the narrator. Three other MCCers from Ethiopia are the characters (street child, someone who lost a close loved one, and an ordinary middle class woman - all Ethiopians\African). The story went well today. It is better acted out but at least you get an idea. The part in quotes is the voice of God.

Jesus not long ago I received the prophesy that you have great things in store for me but they will not come without great suffering. Jesus, each day I wake up, here in Africa and I walk to work. Each day I see hunger, homelessness, pain. Why, must there be so much suffering. Why does the world outside the safety of my compound seem to be falling apart.
Jesus, today I need you. I need a message of hope. I need to know you are here.

“My child, do not be afraid. As you walk today, listen.”

I begin my walk to work. Trying not to think of the struggles it may bring. As I travel the dusty roads, I meet a youngster I’ve seen around the office. My friend how is your day?

Sister, it is not good. My dad, he was a truck driver and on his journeys he slept with many women when he returned home he brought some money but he also brought HIV/AIDS. He soon became sick and then my mother got sick too. Now they are both dead. I went to live with my grandmother with my five brothers and sisters. But she is old and can not care for us. I left. Now I live on the streets. I am very hungry now. Can you please give me money. I came to the city, I thought it’d be better.
Please excuse the way I look. I’m part of a street gang. It’s the only way to survive. I got in a fight. The other girl insulted my mother. I confess, I steel. But I do so to live. I do so for protection. You do not know what the streets are like. I am cold. I am hungry. I am lonely. I am hurting. Please, can you help me. I am 14 years old.

Jesus, can you lie? Where is the hope? I find no comfort here.

"Open your heart. Listen, my child."

I continue. Trying to listen. I meet another person along the way. My friend how is your day?

You want to join me for a drink? You should really try some chat. The local drugs are great. They will help erase that pain from your face. Trust me I know. Yes, I am aware it is not yet 9 am. But you have to understand the pain is to much for me to take. My sister, she died young. She was my very best friend. She was so kind and good. She had her whole life in front of her. She was the kindest person I knew, always giving to others before herself. Life is not the same without her. Why did God, let her die? Why, didn’t he take me instead. I’m messed up as you can see. I will never amount to anything. I am worthless. I help no one. It should have been me. Can’t you see; I should have been the one not her. Please, join me for a drink – you too will feel better.

Hopeless, that is what this is. God, I’m not so sure you haven’t deserted us. I continue on my walk. Everywhere I look there is pain. I meet a woman with pretty clothes and money to spare. I really hope she can bring a breath of fresh air. I go up to her and say: You want to join me for a cup of tea?

Okay, but you have to know. I’m worthless. My life is a series of failures. I have food in my stomach and clothes on my back but there is no one to love me. My father, he beat me. My mother died young. All my friends have deserted me. I have money. I have power, but I am all alone. I started my own business, it is successful. But my life is empty. There is nothing in store for me. My wealth simply covers my wounds. You think I am happy, but really I’m not sure I want to face tomorrow. There is no one to care. No one to show me what love is. I have money but I am poor.

Jesus the suffering is great. I am not so sure that the people know the hope of what is to come. Jesus, why is there so much suffering. Why must suffering be a part of growth? Why must these people wander in the desert dry from lack of love. Hunger in the wilderness for lack of provisions. Why must there be such suffering?

"My child, I have entered with you in suffering that you may now enter with others. “Comfort my people, say I your God. Speak tenderly to these my children and proclaim that their hard service has been completed, that their sins have been paid for., that they have received from the Lord’s hand double for their sins. Listen to the voice calling “In the desert prepare the way of the Lord make straight in the wilderness a valley for our God. Every valley shall be raised up and every mountain and hill be made low. The rough ground shall become level the rugged places a plain.” My glory will be revealed and all humankind together will see it. Yes, my child, I am present in your suffering. I am present in your suffering so that you may join with these in their suffering too"

Thank you for being present in suffering.

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