Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christ enters into our righteous anger

Jesus, I’m not so sure I want to go to work today. It only frustrates me. They claim to desire to help others. They display all the right actions but the evidence isn’t there. They want more and more money but the street children and the orphans never seem to have enough. They are always talking about themselves. Always promoting their names. Why is it Lord that those in power take advantage of the weak? It makes me angry. Is it ok for me to be angry?

“Go, you have work to do. As you meet your friends listen for my voice.”

As I walk I try to listen. In the distance I see my lonely friend.

“Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.”

Hey. People are cruel. My coworkers want nothing to do with me. They spend their time together but do not wish for me to join them. They are willing to buy me anything but they refuse to get to know me. They are too busy, or so they say. But that is not true. I see them spending time with others. They always have an activity. A place to go, family to visit. Please, if you are going to say Aizosh (its going to be ok) keep your words to yourself. I do not want your companionship unless you can’t truly care.

My friend, may I never offer you meaningless empty words.

“Woe, to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort.”

Why do people feel the need to offer empty comfort? Those who are already empty can easily see through. Jesus can you be angry too?

“Walk and listen.”

Soon I see the street child. Her stomach empty.
“Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied.”

My friend, here is some bread I have brought for you.

What do you want from me? I am hungry, you have plenty of food. Is this bread simply a way to get rid of me? Each day we meet. Sometimes you offer me food. Others hit me. Yell at me. Beat me. They do not offer food. If they do they expect me to give them something or leave them alone. The restaurants throw out their food and if I try to eat they hit me. They give the dogs the food. They beat me. I am hungry. I will steal to eat. Keep treating me this way, I will probably rob form you. I do not want your aid, for it will come against me.
My friend, may I not offer you food that I may gain. Please, know that I do not desire to harm you.

“Woe to you who are well fed now, for you will go hungry.”

Jesus, how can your children find hope when others continually put them down. How can your love shine through when angry words and cruel actions are the reply? How can you not be angry at the actions of your people?

I’m almost to the office.

“Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh?”

You want some chat? While you are chewing feel free to laugh at me. Everyone does these days. They think my situation funny. They think it’s all a big joke. Laugh life is funny. Who wouldn’t laugh when the only good person they know has died? It’s a cruel world. There is so much pain. Tell me please how they can laugh when she has died. I can’t take this pain. I really want to laugh. To do anything to take this pain away. She loved Jesus; he let her die. She sought what was right. They laugh; I can’t. I don’t care much what happens. Please, if you want to laugh go somewhere else. I will keep my chat.

My friend, I will not laugh. I will not force you to be happy.

“Woe to you who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep.”

Jesus are you angry too?

“Yes, my child. I too am angry at the injustice of my people.”

“Blessed are you when men hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man.”

I arrive at work where my supervisor begins to boast of all the good he thinks he has accomplished. All the people he has helped. He tells me how his dreams are coming true. He speaks of those we serve with language that puts down. I try to suggest change. But then he begins to blame. The fault is never his but always the actions of someone else. He is your friend until he can take nothing more from you. Then you are seen as an enemy and he has nothing good to say about you.

“Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for that is how their fathers treated the false prophets.”

Jesus, why do people in power and authority need to tear others down? Jesus why is it that those with who are rich, well fed, happy, and safe. Those who appear clean on the outside take from the poor, the hurting, the hungry? These people’s actions appear good but their hearts are corrupt. Jesus, what is it that you require of me?

“My child, “I have shown you what is good. Act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with me your God.”

Thank you for entering into our anger.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

errrmm... cos the people that should know better could not care less about people, except their interests.